Part Seven:  Theologians Who Believe in the Probability of Animal Resurrection

When well-known Bible scholars agree that animals will probably be resurrected, they can be persuasive corroboration. The following are examples of some of the most well-known. You can read their full comments and sources in my book, Will Dogs Chase Cats in Heaven? People, Pets, and Wild Animals in the Afterlife.

John Calvin. In his Commentary on Romans, Calvin wrote, ” There is no element and no part of the world which is being touched, as it were, with a sense of its present misery [this would include animals] that does not intensely hope for resurrection.”  (More below photo)

Martin Luther:  When asked if he believed dogs, in particular his dog Tólpel, would be in Heaven, he is reported to have answered, “Certainly, for there the [New] earth. . . .” 4   Professor Michael Murray agrees: “Martin Luther appears to have held that at least some animals are immortal.”

 John Wesley:  This eighteenth-century theologian argued that Romans 8:19-22 implies that the future New Earth would include the exact same animals that dwell on Earth today. He believed this was the only way earthly animals could be “compensated for the suffering they underwent and liberated from the rages of which they partook” on Earth due to human fallenness.

Joseph Butler. Anglican bishop and moral philosopher Butler wrote: “Neither can we find anything in the whole analogy of Nature to afford even the slightest presumption that animals ever lose their living powers, much less that they lose them by death.”

Peter Kreeft. Answering the question “are there animals in heaven?” well-known theologian Peter Kreeft wrote: “Why not? How irrational is the prejudice that would allow plants (green fields and flowers) but not animals into Heaven. . . . It seem likely that the right relationship with animals will be part of Heaven”

Hank Hanegraaff. President of the Christian Research wrote in his book Resurrection: “Scriptures from first to last suggest that animals have souls. . . . In the final analysis, one thing is certain: Scripture provides us with a sufficient precedent for suggesting that animals will continue to exist after the return of our Lord.”

 Randy Alcorn. This author of the highly acclaimed book Heaven writes: “We know animals will be on the New Earth, which is a redeemed and renewed old Earth, in which animals had a prominent role. People will be resurrected to inhabit this world. As we saw, Romans 8:21-23 assumes animals as part of a suffering creation eagerly awaiting deliverance through humanity’s resurrection.”

Richard Bauckham. I emailed this British scholar and theologian and asked him,

“What’s your belief (and why) on whether or not pets and other animals alive today will be in the new heaven and earth?” Bauckham replied, “I take seriously that the new creation is the new creation of all things. So plants too and rivers and mountains! God will take everything of value into the new creation. Redeemed from all evil and suffering.”

C.S. Lewis. This brilliant and gifted scholar is arguably the most widely read and admired Christian apologist in the twentieth century. In his book, The Problem of Pain,  Lewis suggested that at least “higher” animals (which would include most pets) will experience resurrection and eternal life.

 Next week’s blog:  There are three options for the origin of the animals that will inhabit Heaven. Next week’s blog looks at all three and shows why resurrection is the best option.

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