Part Seven: “The Ultimate Evidence for Life After Death”
What I’ve shared in this seven-part series demonstrates the scientific evidence confirms our mind/soul survives physical death. However, there is another more compelling and persuasive evidence for life after physical death than scientific evidence—the Bible. In particular, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which guarantees our own resurrected bodies in the age to come (Phil. 3: 20-21).
Few historical facts from antiquity are corroborated as thoroughly as Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Eyewitnesses observed his death on the cross by crucifixion, which was certified by Roman authorities. Jesus was buried in a sealed tomb guarded by soldiers, which was discovered empty three days later. Hundreds of people saw Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances. Some of these eyewitnesses documented their observations in the pages of Scripture. Moreover, ancient non-Christian historians record evidence of Jesus’ life and ministry.
The accumulated evidence in this blog series—scientific, philosophical, psychological, and now especially biblical—leads to the inevitable conclusion that God has blessed the human race with immortal souls. In the age to come, our souls will reunite with our resurrected bodies. Then God’s people will live forever on the prophesied New Heaven and Earth (Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:1-4), along with family, friends, and a countless multitude of other people who love God and saved through the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
I want to end with a personal experience to illustrate how readers can use the information in this series as an apologetic or evangelistic point of contact with non-Christians.
A while back, I had the following discussion with a retired lab technician. I started the conversation by asking him what he thought happens after a person dies. The conversation that followed went essentially like this:
“You just die,” he responded, “that’s it.”
“ Then let me ask you this,” I continued. “If you cracked open a skull and looked inside, what will you see?”
“Your brain,” he said, “you know, gray matter.”
“Have you ever wondered where our thoughts come from,” I pressed?
“Not really,” he replied.
I then pointed out that if you put a piece of brain tissue under a microscope, you only see brain cells. What you wouldn’t see are memories, feelings, and thoughts manifested in our minds. Why? Because I explained, the mind cannot be reduced to the physical proprieties of the brain. This can only mean that our mind (thoughts, memories, etc.) exists independent of brain matter.
“I never thought about that before,” he admitted.
I went on to explain that if thoughts, emotions, and other mental activities originate in our immaterial minds and are distinct from our physical brains, it’s strong evidence that our minds can exist after death. In other words, since our minds are not physical matter, they are not susceptible to physical death. And if our minds survive physical death, it can mean that people have immortal souls—since our minds are an essential property of our souls. And, I concluded,
“Since everyone has an immortal soul, it’s vital for you to know where your soul will go after death. Eternity’s a long time!” ©
New week I begin a new series titled, “Are Christians Hypocrites Because They Sin?—an Apologegtic response.”